Board of County Commissioners

Gadsden County, Florida

Budget Workshop

July 14, 2016

4:00 p.m.


Present:               Brenda A. Holt, Chair, District 4

                                Eric Hinson, Vice Chair, District 1

                                Dr. Anthony “Dr. V” Viegbesie, District 2

                                Gene Morgan, District 3

                                Sherrie Taylor, District 5

                                Robert Presnell, County Administrator

                                David Weiss, County Attorney

                                Marcella Blocker, Deputy Clerk


Overview by the County Administrator of FY 16/17 Draft Budget

  Chair Holt called the workshop to order and said they would get started with the boys and Girls Club


  Lee Wagner with the Boys and Girls Club made a presentation 


Commissioner Taylor arrived at this juncture of the meeting.


Chair Holt then asked for a moment of silence and then led in the Pledge of Allegiance.


The Boys and Girls Club then had a couple of skits they put on for the board and a few people spoke on their behalf.


Commissioner Morgan arrived at this juncture of the meeting.


Commissioner Hinson arrived at this juncture of the meeting.


Commissioner Morgan welcomed everyone, especially the ones from Chattahoochee and said there was a fundraising for their club and at the end of the year they would be going to Gulf World.


Lee Garner asked the Board if there was any way possible, for them to continue to fund the Club.


Mr. Presnell welcomed everyone to the second Budget workshop.


Chair Holt said she had a question regarding the Fund Balance.


V asked how this affected the required minimum.


Morgan asked if they would need to cut $1.118 Million to balance-yes-



7/1 estimate shows decrease from last year of approximately $30,000 with revenue from Property Appraiser


Increase asked from Sheriff’s Office and Clerk’s Office-did increase Supervisor of Elections


Hinson said he thought Economic Development was funded at $280,000


Same with Non-Profits-same as last year


$10,000 increase for Senior Citizens for Midway


$50,000 Reserve for Contingency and $50,000 restricted Reserve for contingency matching grants funds


8.5% increase on medical insurance rates


Eliminated 2 vacant positions ($120,000)


  Constitutional Officers


Will be increases to maintain insurance charges


Clerk requested to cover drop payouts and increase in maintenance and operating costs-asked for more clarification and not received yet-asked for total of $90,000-asked for clarification and had not received-Holt said needed clarification


Morgan asked about 2% for Property appraiser-increase was per FDOR request


Asked for details and awaiting-Holt said if want increase, they need to be specific


Not received books from Law Enforcement-said 4 deputies and raises


V said only question-disturbed when saw $1.?  Wants details for request for increase


Morgan asked why BOCC covering salary when set by State


Morgan said Gadsden 100% funding Shuttle-yes-asked they fund at $20,000 and Quincy fund at $20,000-in better shape than past-urged municipalities and cities contribute


V asked if anything showing usage-yes


Hinson said he Chair of GC Transportation Board and lot of usage-want to continue funding as they are now-cut other places but need to increase transportation


Morgan said not asking to cut funding-asking for participation from others (municipalities)


Taylor said when started was to get commerce moving throughout county-ridership increased-asked if have reached out to other municipalities to see if interest to support-otherwise echo sentiments of other commissioner


Holt said on Gadsden Express-county funded-never was city funded


Morgan said not asking that programs not be funded-saying if don’t ask for participation-won’t get it-County has rising costs and are $1.2 Million short


Hinson asked what Quincy paying $20,000-asked a letter be sent to see what they could do


Taylor said wanted clarity on what was telling Administrator to do


Holt said Morgan interested in contacting municipalities to participate with funding


V said wanted equal to percentage of usage


Summer Youth Program


Morgan said no problem with program but based on severe budget constraints, can’t fund


Hinson asked what brought on budget constraints and what caused them-Presnell said to balance budget require transfer funds-Felt personally in his heart, don’t want to cut for kids-can cut from non-profits-wants to increase youth 25 more jobs


V said no-one on platform had doubt of benefit of program but had to loot at cost and where $ coming from-when pull $ from reserve and mothing going in-will be forced to shut down like some cities have had to do-his position is to leave as is


Taylor said proponent for children but looking at deficient leave until can get more handle on revenue and expenditures


Holt said summer youth program want to do at end and be last place cut


Three more shots at budget workshops


Economic Development-Hinson said go back to $140,000


Money never used, Hinson, V Morgan agreed to cut back


Morgan left meeting at this juncture


Taylor said needed to look at that again and not for putting back but move forward with what Board originally wanted to do.  Holt in favor of putting back.


Morgan returned


Presnell said Chamber received $80,000 and $40,000 was for Small business-no-one denied $


Taylor said when come with $280,000, Board vetted and numbers there for reason, not clarity when presented with boards intentions


Taylor asked with way funding set up-Nixon has to submit invoice for compensation-could it not be set up so his work could be paid through chamber so can be paid on regular basis


Presnell said currently fund $80,000 total and sent to Chamber on quarterly basis-don’t know how they bill from Chamber


Hinson said felt when give funding to GCDC-they know what they receive every time & should do same thing for Small business as well


V asked if he was to understand problems with Small business retention and expansion having problems-Holt said understood 2 pots of money for same thing-put money where production was & no problem with consolidating


Morgan asked if issue presently regarding retention services


Beth Kirkland appeared before the board-both consultants send invoices on regular basis


Taylor said every quarter receive in packet $ spent and what remains


Holt said money moved to GCDC and $ moved to Chamber-they see how $ paid out with GCDC and not with Chamber


Holt asked for report from both at next budget workshop


V asked if asking about $40,000 specifically for both groups-yes


Taylor asked to monitor over years’ time how paid out


Holt said any entity that receives taxpayers money-should be able to check books



Currently funded at $286,500 and asking for $719,049 total


Hinson said other areas wanted to cut but wanted to add to foster agriculture in community-Havana Community Development Community came several times and felt needed to give at least $15-$20,000-suggest $15,000


Morgan said leave non-profits as they are for this year, V agreed, Taylor concurred but look at this in 3-6 months-insane to expect change if leave everything same


Holt agreed with leaving but after certain period of time somethings need to come off


Pam Wilson-We Care Network-trying to solve 67 out of 67 county health ranking problem-Leon County provides 62%-Gadsden provides 8%


Morgan encouraged them to ask for participation from municipalities for transportation-feels healthcare takes precedence over transportation


Hinson said need to figure out how lost $1.2 Million and them jump back into other “stuff”-still in great fiscal shape-lot of money in reserve to cover a lot of things-not about to dry up-Asked on page 9 what funding was for Apalachee Mental Center-Redeemed provides great services and did not know how important they were.


V said have numbers to cut-like to keep same as was


Hinson said give direction to manager to make his cuts


Holt said need to ask everyone to participate in cut-back


Taylor said after listening to presentation from We Care, at point want to hear more from non-profits and need to do more to help non-profits.  Asked $1.1 Million due in part to decrease in revenue and not more so because of increased requested amount-no if put all requests in-would be $3 million deficient-Need opportunity to talk with non-profits


Holt said have not gone through half of this-Presnell asked they study this before next workshop


Holt asked to look at indigent ½ cent and how can be used-asked manager to approach them again about ½ cent tax


Morgan said while extremely important-shortfall in balance-Holt said constitutionals also


Holt said request constitutional officers to cut 2%


Morgan left


  Adjourned at 6:03 p.m.